Service: Mon-Fri 8:30AM to 5PM
Service: Sat 9:30AM to 4PM - Sun CLOSED
Parts: Mon-Fri 8:30AM to 5PM
Parts: Sat 9:30AM to 4PM - Sun CLOSED
Sales: Mon-Fri 8:30AM to 5PM
Sales: Sat 9:30AM to 4PM - Sun CLOSED

Sellers RV Center will be closed

Saturday August 3rd,
Sunday August 4th and Monday August 5th
for the August Long Weekend!

Regular hours resume Tuesday August 6th.
We hope you have a great Long Weekend!

Curtis Dorner


We bought our camper from Sellers RV 6-7 years ago. When you walk in, they call you by name. If you’re looking for world class service in the RV industry, this is the place to be. Would never think about going elsewhere, and luckily for us, they are in our community supporting many non profits!

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